We are a
Structural Design Industry
Our mission is to create a real structural engineer
(essentially a good human being). Our next mission is to make
"Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik" (UDAN) a reality.
Our mission is to create a real structural engineer (essentially a good human being).
Our next mission is to make
"Ude Desh Ka Aam Naagrik" (UDAN) a reality.
In our Vision, our first step is to transform engineering degree holders to real engineers. Now we are doing this for all structural engineers. We visualize our next step is to extend this to all branches of engineering. This will enable us to establish an air transport institution, which will make UDAN a reality. We will do this in a way that is different from how it is being done now
Thinking Big
Believing in yourself
Team work
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Vision
Our Vision
What do we do?
What do we do?
We do structural design. We do not do structural manufacturing or structural assembly that is why we identify ourselves as a structural design industry. The output of a design industry forms the input to manufacturing industry, then the assembly industry activity follows.
For us, structural design it is an integrated activity consisting of strength of material design calculations, validation of the design calculation through a digital structural testing which we call finite element testing consisting of a CAD model of a structure, it's conversion to a finite element model of the structure followed by finite element analysis.
The two activities are done in an iterative way till the design calculations match with finite element test results. The last but not the least activity is the physical structural test, there also it will go on till the design calculations are validated once again through the physical test results.
We claim our structural design to be complete when all these three activities are successfully completed.
It is a highly iterative process.
We do structural design. We do not do structural manufacturing or structural assembly that is why we identify ourselves as a structural design industry. The output of a design industry forms the input to manufacturing industry, then the assembly industry activity follows.
For us, structural design it is an integrated activity consisting of strength of material design calculations, validation of the design calculation through a digital structural testing which we call finite element testing consisting of a CAD model of a structure, it's conversion to a finite element model of the structure followed by finite element analysis.
The two activities are done in an iterative way till the design calculations match with finite element test results. The last but not the least activity is the physical structural test, there also it will go on till the design calculations are validated once again through the physical test results.
We claim our structural design to be complete when all these three activities are successfully completed.
It is a highly iterative process.
Our Expertise
Our Expertise
Design of Wing Section
Design of Ribs
Design of Rivetted Joints
Design of Lug Attachments
Design of Wing Upper Skin Panels
Design of Stiffened Panels with cutouts
Design of Wing Section
Design of Ribs
Design of Rivetted Joints
Design of Lug Attachments
Design of Wing Upper Skin Panels
Design of Stiffened Panels with cutouts
FEA to support design modifications
Finite elements mesh generation
Linear static stress analysis
Linear buckling analysis & Modal analysis
Calculation of margin of safety
FEA to support design modifications
Finite elements mesh generation
Linear static stress analysis
Linear buckling analysis & Modal analysis
Calculation of margin of safety
Fatigue and Damage Tolerance
Airframe Assembly Tool Design
CAD Modeling
Structural Certification Testing
Test rig design & development
Strain gauging and data acquisition
Fatigue and Damage Tolerance
Airframe Assembly Tool Design
CAD Modeling
Structural Certification Testing
Test rig design & development
Strain gauging and data acquisition
What is Structural Engineering?
What is Structural Engineering?
There are two levels of industry that we know of, these are:
Manufacturing Industry
Assembly Industry
The input for the manufacturing industry is the manufacturing drawings. Which industrial activities output are manufacturing drawings?
We call it the third industry, which is Structural Design Industry.
Now let us look at which education system prepare manpower to each of this industry:
Manufacturing industry - ITI
Assembly Industry - Polytechnic / diploma
Design Industry - ?
We think it is reasonable to consider engineering degree education Institution prepares manpower to design industry.
We at BAIL are not a manufacturing industry and not an assembly industry we are a Structural Design Industry. Graduate students and fresh engineers must realize the importance and existence of Design Industry.
There are two levels of industry that we know of, these are:
Manufacturing Industry
Assembly Industry
The input for the manufacturing industry is the manufacturing drawings. Which industrial activities output are manufacturing drawings?
We call it the third industry, which is Structural Design Industry.
Now let us look at which education system prepare manpower to each of this industry:
Manufacturing industry - ITI
Assembly Industry - Polytechnic / diploma
Design Industry - ?
We think it is reasonable to consider engineering degree education Institution prepares manpower to design industry.
We at BAIL are not a manufacturing industry and not an assembly industry we are a Structural Design Industry. Graduate students and fresh engineers must realize the importance and existence of Design Industry.
Design Industry
Manufacturing Industry
Assembly Industry
How are we different?
How are we different?
We do the same things differently. The way we view the challenge of structural design is completely different from what other people think. Before we established BAIL, we were like any other engineering degree holders working in a reputed organization (NAL). Things happened to us when we asked ourselves - "What is the meaning of the word Engineering?"
We were first surprised to realize that we had not asked this question to ourselves until then. Honestly we are engineering degree holders yet could not answer the question (meaning of the word Engineer). The dictionary meaning of the word Engineer is "One who designs and builds". For the first time, we looked at the word Design in a completely different way. We think we have used the word design left and right until then. After asking that question we look at the word design with respect that it rightly deserves. We realized we cannot become engineers unless we know how to design (more importantly why design? , what is design? and then comes how to design?)
From then on, until now we are doing things differently and will continue in future. That is why we have come up with an integrated approach to Structural Design.
If at all Structural Design is being done anywhere, it is definitely not the way that we are doing it.
We do the same things differently. The way we view the challenge of structural design is completely different from what other people think. Before we established BAIL, we were like any other engineering degree holders working in a reputed organization (NAL). Things happened to us when we asked ourselves - "What is the meaning of the word Engineering?"
We were first surprised to realize that we had not asked this question to ourselves until then. Honestly we are engineering degree holders yet could not answer the question (meaning of the word Engineer). The dictionary meaning of the word Engineer is "One who designs and builds". For the first time, we looked at the word Design in a completely different way. We think we have used the word design left and right until then. After asking that question we look at the word design with respect that it rightly deserves. We realized we cannot become engineers unless we know how to design (more importantly why design? , what is design? and then comes how to design?)
From then on, until now we are doing things differently and will continue in future. That is why we have come up with an integrated approach to Structural Design.
If at all Structural Design is being done anywhere, it is definitely not the way that we are doing it.
Our Design Process
Our Design Process
How we help students, fresh graduates
or professional engineers?
How we help students, fresh graduates or professional engineers?
We are acquiring our capability by designing our small two-seater airframe to illustrate how we look at aircraft structural design to students who come to us to acquire this capability.
It is an integrated approach (as mentioned earlier), which consists of:
Strength of Material based design calculation
Finite Element Test Validation (requires CAD model)
Physical Airframe Test Validation
We are acquiring our capability by designing our small two-seater airframe to illustrate how we look at aircraft structural design to students who come to us to acquire this capability.
It is an integrated approach (as mentioned earlier), which consists of:
Strength of Material based design calculation
Finite Element Test Validation (requires CAD model)
Physical Airframe Test Validation

What our cohorts say about us?
What our cohorts say about us?
What our cohorts say about us?
An amazing place where i have understood the different aspects of "Design" and has changed my view to how an engineer needs to approach/address any problem. The best part is they have passionate team of people.
Sheril Pariyattu
Its the best place in india to study about aircraft structures. BAIL taught me what is engineering, and what I should do as an engineer.
Kathiravan Pandian
The way I've learnt things here was definitely very good and promising. Overall it's a good experience to be added to my career development.
The time that I have spent there helped me improve my problem solving skills. BAIL would be best guide for freshers who have just graduated their bachelors degree or engineers who want to really get into the depth of this sector.
Deepak M
An amazing place where i have understood the different aspects of "Design" and has changed my view to how an engineer needs to approach/address any problem. The best part is they have passionate team of people.
Sheril Pariyattu
Its the best place in india to study about aircraft structures. BAIL taught me what is engineering, and what I should do as an engineer.
Kathiravan Pandian
The way I've learnt things here was definitely very good and promising. Overall it's a good experience to be added to my career development.
The time that I have spent there helped me improve my problem solving skills. BAIL would be best guide for freshers who have just graduated their bachelors degree or engineers who want to really get into the depth of this sector.
Deepak M

Companies where our cohorts work at
Companies where our cohorts work at

If you do not know your destination,
how will you reach it?
The Blueprint to a Thriving Career in Structural Engineering

The starting point of execution of our vision towards accomplishing our mission is to convince the engineering degree students and fresh passed out engineers that so long as you have not asked yourself what is the meaning of the word 'engineer' you are not an engineer. This is based on our own experience. The day we asked ourselves this all important question and arrived at a suitable answer, only from that day till to-day all of us are in the path of becoming engineers. Yes! Like us all of you will have engineering degrees but you will not try to become an engineer till you ask yourself this "what is the meaning of the word engineer?"
Well! the dictionary meaning is "An engineer is one who designs and builds”. Notice it is not "an engineer is one who designs” or “an engineer is one who builds".
Design and build go hand-in-hand but only in that order. You can build a drone without designing it and it can fly successfully and you can take full credit for it. And yet you are not an engineer. It is not an engineering activity. It is a manufacturing and assembly activity. If you are not designing you are not an engineer. Society gives credit to you if you have an engineering degree.
When we started BAIL, we asked ourselves "what is design?" Surprisingly we could not come up with any sensible answer. Then we asked ourselves a different but related question. "Is structural design different from fashion design". The answer was quite simple “yes” even when we do not know the meaning of the word 'design'. The important idea it gave us is that the word "design" per se has no meaning. The meaning comes from the adjective we add to the word "design"
Structural design of an aircraft is different from aero-dynamic design of the aircraft. We are (at BAIL) structural engineers. Rest of the story telling will be about what we learned about “structural-design". To begin with we did not know what is structural design? we went back to the dictionary meaning of the word “engineer” as An aircraft structural engineer is one who designs the aircraft structure and builds it.
At that time we had no idea of what aircraft structural design? But we wondered why something has to be designed and build. Why not only design? and why not only build? Then we realized if we only design an aircraft and not build it the whole aircraft will be missing. On the other hand if we only build the aircraft we cannot find what is missing in the aircraft. It can fly successfully and yet we cannot see what is missing. But we were certain that something is missing in the aircraft if we only build it. This is the reason which the dictionary says "design and build". To cut the story short: structural safety is the characteristic that the aircraft will be missing if we only build it. What is "structural safety"? We understand "personal -safety". It is sense-perceptible. Is my life in danger? Then structural safety must imply the life of the structure is in danger. If I am flying in an aircraft whose life is in danger then my life is also in danger. The structural safety is intimately related to my personal safety when I am traveling in air. Looking at an aircraft I cannot see whether its life is in danger. It is not sense-perceptible. That is why we cannot see it missing if we only build it. We then realized that structured safety must be built into the aircraft structure but building the structure will not achieve this goal. “But aircraft structural safety has to be ensured” and only building an aircraft will not do it. We then realized the true meaning of "aircraft structural design” . We have to do some activities before building to ensure structural safety. This we can call as "design" or more appropriately “structural design”. There are rule-books which provide mandatory guidelines to develop an aircraft, which every aircraft developer must follow.
The section on structural design starts with this design principle: DUL = (F.S.= 1.5) DLL where DLL is design limit load and DUL is design ultimate load. For transport aircraft DLL is generally specified to be 3-times the all-up- weight of an aircraft. DUL implies: the aircraft need not have a load carrying capacity greater than DUL. This means the aircraft must be designed to fail at the design ultimate load. The rule books also envisage that design calculations must be done to theoretically predict that the aircraft structure can carry the DUL and fail at DUL. Failure above DUL is ok, but is not economical. These design calculations must be submitted to the regulating authority (in India it is DGCA) for their approval. Furthermore this DUL carrying capacity must be demonstrated through physical tests on the aircraft. This understanding has led us to our integrated approach to aircraft structural design. Loads are sense-perceptible through load-cells. F.S.-1.5 is not sense perceptible. But by demonstrating the sense-perceptible DUL in a physical test we demonstrate that our aircraft do possess the non-sense perceptible. Factor of safety due to the uniqueness of their relationship. We have introduced the Finite Element Test (F.E.T) as an intermediate but crucial step in our integrated approach from our experience gained while applying this to a simple cantilever beam structure.
We are now developing our own 2-seater airframe to demonstrate to ourselves the application of this integrated approach to design. This more or less completes how we are on our way to executive our vision to accomplish our mission
The following are the important ideas that we want to communicate to you (engineering students and fresh engineers interested in career in structural design:
If you do not ask yourself "what is the meaning of the word "engineer"? you will never become an engineer.
You can have engineering degrees, you can land on good jobs, have a good life-style and yet you will not be an engineer.
If you ask that question and get at least the dictionary meaning of an engineer then it is up to you whether you want to become an engineer or not.
Your college will give you an engineering degree but it will not make you an engineer. That is not the focus of our engineering education system.
All of us know we have passed our exams by preparing a few days before the exam. Ask yourself now if you have read from the very first day of every semester you could have passed with flying colors. We did not do it and that remains a fact.
Now extend this simple logic. " without becoming an engineer you can get a job. Then how is that by becoming an engineer you can not get a job. If anything you will start in a job with a higher initial pay. How difficult is it to logically come to this conclusion?
You are engineering students. Your job is to learn design, not manufacturing, assembly.
There does exist a design industry in every field.
As far as structural design is concerned, there is a large design industry in India. We are not doing our own design but there is an industry which provides support to Boeing Airbus like industries
Plenty of jobs are now available in this design industry and most of them are concentrated in Bangalore.These reputed organizations are looking for structural engineers with capability and experience in structural design and such candidates are hard to find.
This is where BAIL enters into the picture. We have been helping fresh engineers to learn structural design for the last 10 to 12 years. Every one of them has landed on a job.
BAIL guarantees 100% placement in these reputed companies.
We require one year to help an interested fresh engineering graduate to learn aircraft structural design and place him in good job
We also have a free program for 15 days where you can come, spend time with us and experience how we are going to help you Learn structural design by doing structural design along with us and get convinced about our placement guarantee plan
If you believe (or begin to believe) all of the above 15 points then contact us.
The starting point of execution of our vision towards accomplishing our mission is to convince the engineering degree students and fresh passed out engineers that so long as you have not asked yourself what is the meaning of the word 'engineer' you are not an engineer. This is based on our own experience. The day we asked ourselves this all important question and arrived at a suitable answer, only from that day till to-day all of us are in the path of becoming engineers. Yes! Like us all of you will have engineering degrees but you will not try to become an engineer till you ask yourself this "what is the meaning of the word engineer?"
Well! the dictionary meaning is "An engineer is one who designs and builds”. Notice it is not "an engineer is one who designs” or “an engineer is one who builds".
Design and build go hand-in-hand but only in that order. You can build a drone without designing it and it can fly successfully and you can take full credit for it. And yet you are not an engineer. It is not an engineering activity. It is a manufacturing and assembly activity. If you are not designing you are not an engineer. Society gives credit to you if you have an engineering degree.
When we started BAIL, we asked ourselves "what is design?" Surprisingly we could not come up with any sensible answer. Then we asked ourselves a different but related question. "Is structural design different from fashion design". The answer was quite simple “yes” even when we do not know the meaning of the word 'design'. The important idea it gave us is that the word "design" per se has no meaning. The meaning comes from the adjective we add to the word "design"
Structural design of an aircraft is different from aero-dynamic design of the aircraft. We are (at BAIL) structural engineers. Rest of the story telling will be about what we learned about “structural-design". To begin with we did not know what is structural design? we went back to the dictionary meaning of the word “engineer” as An aircraft structural engineer is one who designs the aircraft structure and builds it.
At that time we had no idea of what aircraft structural design? But we wondered why something has to be designed and build. Why not only design? and why not only build? Then we realized if we only design an aircraft and not build it the whole aircraft will be missing. On the other hand if we only build the aircraft we cannot find what is missing in the aircraft. It can fly successfully and yet we cannot see what is missing. But we were certain that something is missing in the aircraft if we only build it. This is the reason which the dictionary says "design and build". To cut the story short: structural safety is the characteristic that the aircraft will be missing if we only build it. What is "structural safety"? We understand "personal -safety". It is sense-perceptible. Is my life in danger? Then structural safety must imply the life of the structure is in danger. If I am flying in an aircraft whose life is in danger then my life is also in danger. The structural safety is intimately related to my personal safety when I am traveling in air. Looking at an aircraft I cannot see whether its life is in danger. It is not sense-perceptible. That is why we cannot see it missing if we only build it. We then realized that structured safety must be built into the aircraft structure but building the structure will not achieve this goal. “But aircraft structural safety has to be ensured” and only building an aircraft will not do it. We then realized the true meaning of "aircraft structural design” . We have to do some activities before building to ensure structural safety. This we can call as "design" or more appropriately “structural design”. There are rule-books which provide mandatory guidelines to develop an aircraft, which every aircraft developer must follow.
The section on structural design starts with this design principle: DUL = (F.S.= 1.5) DLL where DLL is design limit load and DUL is design ultimate load. For transport aircraft DLL is generally specified to be 3-times the all-up- weight of an aircraft. DUL implies: the aircraft need not have a load carrying capacity greater than DUL. This means the aircraft must be designed to fail at the design ultimate load. The rule books also envisage that design calculations must be done to theoretically predict that the aircraft structure can carry the DUL and fail at DUL. Failure above DUL is ok, but is not economical. These design calculations must be submitted to the regulating authority (in India it is DGCA) for their approval. Furthermore this DUL carrying capacity must be demonstrated through physical tests on the aircraft. This understanding has led us to our integrated approach to aircraft structural design. Loads are sense-perceptible through load-cells. F.S.-1.5 is not sense perceptible. But by demonstrating the sense-perceptible DUL in a physical test we demonstrate that our aircraft do possess the non-sense perceptible. Factor of safety due to the uniqueness of their relationship. We have introduced the Finite Element Test (F.E.T) as an intermediate but crucial step in our integrated approach from our experience gained while applying this to a simple cantilever beam structure.
We are now developing our own 2-seater airframe to demonstrate to ourselves the application of this integrated approach to design. This more or less completes how we are on our way to executive our vision to accomplish our mission
The following are the important ideas that we want to communicate to you (engineering students and fresh engineers interested in career in structural design:
If you do not ask yourself "what is the meaning of the word "engineer"? you will never become an engineer.
You can have engineering degrees, you can land on good jobs, have a good life-style and yet you will not be an engineer.
If you ask that question and get at least the dictionary meaning of an engineer then it is up to you whether you want to become an engineer or not.
Your college will give you an engineering degree but it will not make you an engineer. That is not the focus of our engineering education system.
All of us know we have passed our exams by preparing a few days before the exam. Ask yourself now if you have read from the very first day of every semester you could have passed with flying colors. We did not do it and that remains a fact.
Now extend this simple logic. " without becoming an engineer you can get a job. Then how is that by becoming an engineer you can not get a job. If anything you will start in a job with a higher initial pay. How difficult is it to logically come to this conclusion?
You are engineering students. Your job is to learn design, not manufacturing, assembly.
There does exist a design industry in every field.
As far as structural design is concerned, there is a large design industry in India. We are not doing our own design but there is an industry which provides support to Boeing Airbus like industries
Plenty of jobs are now available in this design industry and most of them are concentrated in Bangalore.These reputed organizations are looking for structural engineers with capability and experience in structural design and such candidates are hard to find.
This is where BAIL enters into the picture. We have been helping fresh engineers to learn structural design for the last 10 to 12 years. Every one of them has landed on a job.
BAIL guarantees 100% placement in these reputed companies.
We require one year to help an interested fresh engineering graduate to learn aircraft structural design and place him in good job
We also have a free program for 15 days where you can come, spend time with us and experience how we are going to help you Learn structural design by doing structural design along with us and get convinced about our placement guarantee plan
If you believe (or begin to believe) all of the above 15 points then contact us.
Our mission is to create a real structural engineer.
The corresponding vision is to transform engineering degree holders to real engineers.
Our mission will be accomplished with you as our vision.
Our mission is to create a real structural engineers.
The corresponding vision is to transform engineering degree holders to real engineers.
Our mission will be accomplished with you as our vision.
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